Kharawala's Products

Pumkin Seeds

Health Benefits

Pumpkin Seed are Rich in Antioxidants and iron. It has many other health benefits like Healthy Heart. It helps in building Immune System too.

How to Select and Preserve

Pumpkin Seeds are not very perishable . However it is always recommended to refrigerate it or keep in cool and dry place away from sunlight.  We recommend buying Unsalted seeds so they can be used in salads and yogurt bowls too.

How to Enjoy

Have it raw or as a mukhwas, roasted and slightly salted if you prefer.

Sprinkle them on a salad bowl or a bowl of yogurt with your choice of berries or fruits.

If you love a Healthy Dessert, bake yourself a Gluten free Vegan Pumpkinseed Chocolate Tart.

Kharawala Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds Health Benefits

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