Kharawala's Products

250gm Almond

Health Benefits

Almonds are rich source of vitamins,minerals and packed with well balanced food principles that are essential for optimum health and wellness. Almond oil extracted from the nuts helps keep the skin and hair well protected from dryness.

How to Select and Preserve

While buying, select for almonds that are bright brown color,compact and uniform in size. They should be free from spots and rancid smell.

It is advisable to preserve almonds in airtight containers and stored in the refrigerator to avoid them turn rancid.

How to Enjoy

Almonds can be enjoyed on their own,salted or sweetened or flavoured. They are nutty yet pleasantly sweet in taste. 

Badam Milk is one of the popular refreshing drink in India and other Asian countries. Nuts like almonds are loved by chefs and Mithaiwalas to sprinkle over desserts and widely employed in confectionery as addition to cookies,biscuits,energy bars.

Kharawala Almonds

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